How to Create Amazing Abstract Paintings

3 Pro Tips that Will Make Your Paintings Better

Abstract painting is NOT easy...but it CAN be.

Most people think you can just throw some paint on a canvas and end up with an amazing abstract. This is far from the truth! 

As a painter for 30 years and a teacher for 20, I can assure you there are several key principles you need to understand in order to make a strong abstract piece.  

Join me in a free class in which I give you 3 easy tips for making your abstract paintings substantially better, and easier to create. 

This class will teach you:

  1. Why Abstract Painting is Challenging
  2. What Two Things You Need to Understand to Create Strong Paintings
  3. Three Specific Tips for Making Your Abstracts Better
  4. How to Apply these Principles with a Hands-On Exercise

Suggested Supplies (if you don't have these you can just watch):

  1. Acrylic Paint. Bring Titanium White plus any color combo below:
    • orange + blue, or
    • green + red, or
    • yellow + purple
  2. Small Canvas or Mixed media/watercolor paper 
  3. Paint brush
  4. Palette knive
  5. Water container
  6. Paper towels or rags
  7. Palette or paper plate


Presented by


Andrea Cermanski

Andrea Cermanski is a renowned artist and painting teacher in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  A painter for 30 years and teacher for 20, she loves to share her extensive knowledge in abstract painting to inspire more people to get creative.

What People Are Saying About Andrea

"Andrea is a phenomenal teacher who has a gift to teach the technical aspects of painting and encourage you to find your own voice as an artist." --Kat Winegar